Tangerang Regency, posinternasional.com
Visiting Curug Sangereng, Maesyal Rasyid is Committed to Building Quality Human Resources Through Various Excellent Programs
Candidate for Tangerang Regent number 2 Maesyal Rasyid visited residents in Kampung Cicayur Bubulak, Curug Sangereng Village, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.
Accompanied by a line of volunteers and the winning team, Maesyal Rasyid’s arrival was greeted enthusiastically by hundreds of residents.
In the meeting, Maesyal Rasyid again explained the various programs he is carrying under the name of Candidate for Deputy Regent of Tangerang Intan Nurul Hikmah.
Among them are free education, health services and the sustainability of the development of Islamic boarding schools.
Maesyal said that if he is elected as Regent of Tangerang, he will prioritize the issue of education to produce quality human resources and be able to develop the region.
“Many public schools are free, but our private schools (Maesyal-Intan) will also be free in order to produce a generation of qualified children of the nation.
The children of Selapajang residents must go to school, there will be no more who do not go to school,” he said in front of the community.
Meanwhile, in the health sector, he invited Selapajang residents to have BPJS Health so that if they are sick they can go to the Health Center for free.
“Those who do not have BPJS should register immediately, so that if they are sick they will not be charged again or it will be free,” he said.
Not only that, he is also committed to continuing the program of the previous Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar in the development of Islamic boarding schools in Tangerang Regency.
“Later we will build more sanitation and we will also add it later we will make a dormitory,” he said.
From monitoring at the location, the gathering with Selapajang residents was also carried out with a simulation of voting for candidate number 2 in the Pilkada which will take place on November 27, 2024.
( trisno ).
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