Jakarta, posinternasional.com
Helena Lim’s parents were charged by the Corruption Court Judge with Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh, SH in South Jakarta, Monday (30/12).
There were so many considerations by the Chief Judge in the Corruption Court trial that Helena Lim was guilty.
After being read out by the Chief Judge that the defendant Helena Lim was guilty.
“Tok, tok, tok”, said the gavel of Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh, SH in front of the open court.
Finally, Helena Lim’s mother was hysterical, and tears were streaming down her face.
That her child was guilty and corrupt.
According to information, the defendant Helena Lim was sentenced to five years in prison in a case of alleged corruption in the management of tin commodity trade in the IUP area at PT Timah.Tbk.
The end of 2015-2022 and the crime of money laundering (TPPU), was found guilty by the judge, quoted by CNNIndonesia.com.
“Sentencing her to 5 years in prison and a fine of 750 million with the provision that if the fine is not paid, it will be replaced with 6 months in prison,” was the verdict read by the Chief Justice, Rianto Adam Pontoh, at the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN), Monday (30/12).
“Hihihi, waaah, it turns out her child is guilty and sobbing, Mrs. Helena Lim,” said visitor Rojer (45).
According to Rojer, from the beginning Mrs. Helena left the house to go to the South Jakarta Tipikor District Court, there was a premonition.
“That Helena Lim will be found guilty and serve her sentence,” he said.
(Henry / feri)
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