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Opening the XLVI Bali Arts Festival in 2024, Minister AHY: Becoming a Space for Strengthening Expression and Human Resource Development Campaign


Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) had the opportunity to open the 2024 XLVI Bali Arts Festival (PKB) on Saturday (15/06/2024).

When opening the event, he said that the XLVI PKB was in line with efforts to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045.

“The XLVI Bali Arts Festival will be a confirmation of the expression and importance of building superior humans.

Superior humans are of course humans who have identity, integrity and quality,” said the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN in his speech.

Minister AHY expressed this because the theme was “Jana Kerthi Paramaguna Wikrama”, meaning superior human dignity.

It is these people who are superior and have an identity that must be cultivated to welcome a Golden Indonesia 2045.

“By promoting our own cultural arts, we have confirmed our identity. Because, even though Bali is rich in foreign cultures.

The culture itself is timeless, not rusted by time, our island of paradise is as strong as coral, shining on the world with the heritage of our forefathers and forefathers,” continued Minister AHY.

The Minister of ATR/Head of BPN hopes that the XLVI PKB can show that Indonesia is a big, superior, respected and world-respected country.

For this reason, he appreciated the local government, arts workers, and all parties involved for the continuation of this activity.

After being officially opened by the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN by beating the gul-gul, the event continued with a cultural parade displayed by each district/city in Bali Province.

Also giving a speech at the opening ceremony, Acting. Bali Governor Sang Made Mahendra Jaya.

Present at this activity were the Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Industries, and the Chair of the Bali Province DPRD.


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