Tangerang, posinternasional.com
The public works in Tangerang, Without investigating much to know what kind of structures wholistically of the government’s public works, The Tangerang, Bante, sunday (04/08).
Duty is a complicated mission to comprehend and that’s why it is not easy job to to detect .
Tangerang is a large areas in fact and there straights out the length of huge phenomenon Id est.
The rice fields, the Highlands, the rivers and the oceanic beaches and more or less then 22 000 hectares areas are the space for the irrigations and therefore.
All facilities to sustain profitable activities of farming and water supplied irrigation for ricefields quite conducive seemingly
to maintain.
The water quality that dropped down from Highlands in Bogor -west java as the sources to tangerang city which is called the river of cisadane and to distributing.
The water flow through all panels that regulate watery access at each point of them such as ; the dams, the shelters, the water doors, warehouse and tandons etcetera.
And every panel is guarded by a controller to check all items regularly and that is why the farmers in the rice fields who received that water.
Supply from the central irrigation chanel would be pleased and otherwise the farmers couldn’t produce a qualified rice.
Without enough water supply and the distributive water system is really a conceptual method to implement a justified water distribution for whole
By Theory it is easy to talk then to do and sometimes a matter comes at the job’s activity that more farmers eventually complained.
While no water got supplied to the rice fields but when the cause has been checked then found out , but then as a matter of fact.
That the trouble was the impact of projectual activity in the middle of supplying water and perhaps , it is no coordination to communicate.
“Between those government’s apparatuses and the side effect is the farmers gotten troubled and then to complaining to make a demonstration at the public”, said.
According to, works’ office for a good service Is it the reason now why the office of ciliwung Cisadane on JL. KS tubun -koang Jaya Kota Tangerang always.
Closed and actually it has been newly renovated to have a new building and high fence and set up the security guard ?
“Before now, every thing to confirm by a journalist very easy to visit but right now it is difficult to coordinate since the office C2 ( ciliwung Cisadane)”, said Cq SNVT led by madam Sona and ever since she came down to work at office by the first.
Time but nothing cordially is able to coordinate all journalists with her at her office and it seemed that office leader is a introvert one but then the question.
Why she is able to placed her job as the public works leader of the C 2 so far in Tangerang , And is there any other qualified leader of public works ministry for tangerang irrigation duty ?
It is a trouble too as the leader of the irrigation unit of C2 without involving a job responsibility that happened with her crew and her collegial workers in the field such as.
“about OP ( operation and maintenance) which supposedly deposited much budget but in fact, the tasking activity by madam Sona crew in the field”, said.
Have illegal activity for example without budget of activity but do it for the real work and of course appeared up the big questions from the journalists and actually working by following the lawlike regulations and it is the.
Fundamental of the rule and allegedly that leader of C2 office doesn’t know what matters on her staff members and please to crosscheck it and there would be many evidence that mostly the staff.
Workers of the C2 office broke down the rule and law for example about the wage.
Fee and loan are not fixed and sometimes the grass cutting workers complained to have less money as the income and also when the grass cutting machine broken down and overhauled but no money.
Support to guarantee the machines and amazingly the assets belong to the other institutions and what a funny budget it is….!
Furthermore the jobs authority for the office unit of C2 will be larger and larger and on the other hand , to minimize the other institutions namely.
The UPT units of kabupaten Tangerang which has a small part of jobs activity meanwhile the jobs authority was sliced to be smaller and smaller and as consideration is how to be
A justiced for whole institutions in order not to become a jealousy one another and by now the office of C2 has UPI ( unit pengelolah irigasi) and the tangerang kabupaten local government is UPT ( unit pelaksana tennis ) and those are equal status but different authority to execute on irrigations constitually in Tangerang.
( by cokih )
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