Jakarta, posinternasional.com
The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) emphasized that girik or proof of old land ownership is no longer valid after the area is declared completely registered.
This confirmation refers to Government Regulation (PP) Number 18 of 2021, which regulates that land certificates that have been issued for more than five years cannot be revoked or replaced except through a court order.
Minister of ATR/Head of BPN, Nusron Wahid, explained that girik automatically does not apply after all the land in an area has been mapped and a certificate issued.
“When an area has been declared complete, has mapped out who owns it, and has a certificate, girik automatically no longer applies.
“Unless, if there are administrative defects that are proven in less than five years, then the girik can still be used as evidence,” he said in a media meeting entitled End of Year Notes of the Ministry of ATR/BPN in the Prona Hall, Jakarta, Tuesday (31/12/2024 ).
Furthermore, Minister Nusron emphasized that if the certificate is more than five years old, then the problem can only be resolved through court. “Land certificates are legal products.
According to PP Number 18 of 2021, legal products can only be replaced with other legal products upon court order,” he added.
On the same occasion, the Director General of Determination of Land Rights and Registration (Dirjen PHPT).
Asnaedi explained that girik was originally proof of old land ownership based on Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Principles (UUPA). In this law, land owners are given time to register their land.
In this law, land owners are given time to register their land.
However, with the passage of time and several additional regulations, land rights originating from girik should no longer be valid.
“So far, many land disputes and conflicts have started with girik. In fact, girik is often a loophole exploited by the land mafia through fake documents.
Therefore, the elimination of girik is aimed at preventing future conflicts,” said Asnaedi.
Therefore, with the success of the Complete Regency/City program, girik is no longer relevant.
“As stated by the Minister, once all the land in an area is complete and registered, girik automatically no longer applies,” stressed Asnaedi.
Present at this activity were Deputy Minister of ATR/Deputy Head of BPN, Ossy Dermawan; Middle and Primary High Leadership Officials of the Ministry of ATR/BPN; as well as 84 national media crew.
The question and answer session at this activity was moderated by the Head of the Public Relations Bureau, Harison Mocodompis.
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