Head of the Banten Province National Land Agency (BPN) Regional Office, Sudaryanto together with the Head of the Serang Regency Land Office, Elfidian Iskariza handed over 2 (two) Certificates of Land Use Rights in the name of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia c.q. the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia which are intended for the Serang District Attorney’s Office Building, Monday (06/01).
An area of 541 m2 is located in Keserangan Village, Ciruas District and an area of 8,119 m2 is used as the Adhyaksa Banten General Hospital (RSU) Building located in Silebu Village, Keragilan District, both in Serang Regency, Banten Province.
The certificates were handed over to the Head of the Banten High Prosecutor’s Office, Siswanto who was present accompanied by the Assistant for Special Crimes, Alamsyah.
The handover was carried out at the Banten High Prosecutor’s Office, Serang City, Banten Province, on Friday (04/01/2024).
Met after the activity, Sudaryanto said that the Banten High Prosecutor’s Office (Kejati Banten) had successfully set an example as an institution with orderly land administration, where when the land assets had been obtained, Kejati Banten immediately submitted the certification process.
“Certification is part of securing state assets, so that they are safe, so that they have legal certainty and there are no claims from other parties,” he said.
Sudaryanto also praised the alertness of the Banten High Prosecutor’s Office in certifying its assets.
“If it is certified directly, the basis for control is still completely controlled, physically and legally clean and clear, asset certification is not only faster but also safer,” he explained.
For additional information, the Serang District Attorney’s Office Building in Keserangan Village, Serang Regency is planned to be built on land with an area of approximately 4,830 m2 originating from a grant.
The Serang Regency Government, where the Right to Use certificate covering an area of 4,289 m2 was previously submitted in 2023, the remaining 541 m2 was submitted on this occasion.
Furthermore, Adhyaksa Hospital is located in Silebu Village and Sukajaya Village, Kragilan District, Serang Regency, Banten Province, standing on land with a total area of approximately 14 hectares, which utilizes land originating from confiscated corruption cases.
The Right to Use Certificate was submitted in 2022 covering an area of 57,348 m2 and 32,773 m2, plus 46,538 m2 of land which is a grant support from the Banten Provincial Government where the certificate covering an area of 8,119 m2 was submitted on this occasion.
The rest will be certified through the State Property Certification (BMN) program in the form of land this year.
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