Jakarta, posinternasional.com
Since 2017, the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) has successfully registered 59.5% of land plots in Indonesia or equivalent to 74.9 million land plots, Tuesday (07/01).
This achievement is the result of the acceleration of asset legalization through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program.
Meanwhile, in 2024 the Ministry of ATR/BPN was able to register 9.1 million land plots.
“In 2024, the registered land plots reached 9,171,555, while those that have been certified reached 3,605,520 plots,” explained the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN.
Nusron Wahid in a meeting with the media which took place at the Prona Hall of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Jakarta on Tuesday (31/12/2024).
This achievement completes the success of the Ministry of ATR/BPN in registering land plots, where the initial target of 120 million land plots was registered in 2024.
“Nationally, the achievement of land registration has reached 95.9% of the target of 126 million land plots.
This means that there are still around 5.1 million land plots that have not been registered and are next year’s target,” said Minister Nusron in front of the media crew.
Following up on this, Minister Nusron and the ranks of the Ministry of ATR/BPN continue to strive to encourage the registration of 5.1 million land plots or equivalent to 4.1% of land plots in 2025.
This effort is a form of commitment in carrying out one of the main tasks of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, namely the legalization of assets in the land sector through the implementation of the PTSL program.
The PTSL program aims to provide legal certainty of land ownership to the community, especially those who do not yet have land certificates.
Improve the welfare and prosperity of the community and the country’s economy, as well as reduce and prevent land disputes and conflicts.
The objects of land registration and certification through the PTSL program can be land owned by individual communities.
Customary land owned by indigenous communities, up to waqf land and places of worship that have not been registered and certified.
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This was emphasized by the Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono.
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To follow up on these three things, land availability is the most basic thing so that these programs.
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