Tigaraksa, posinternasional.com
This accelerated service primarily targets low-income community groups (MBR), one of which is in Garapan Baru Village, Tanjung Pasir Village, thunday (23/11)
Teluknaga District. Currently, the majority of the people who work as fishermen have 170 heads of families (KK) out of 250 families who enjoy Perumdam TKR’s clean water services at that location.
“We really appreciate Perumdam Tirta Kerta Raharja Tangerang Regency for speeding up piped clean water services at this location,” said Acting Tangerang Regent Andi Ony during a visit to the village located on the north coast of Tangerang, Wednesday, November 22 2023.
Andi emphasized that accelerating clean water services is very important to reduce the stunting rate in Tangerang Regency, because according to Andi.
Clean water is closely related to safe sanitation and stunting.
“Moreover, Perumdam TKR targets low-income community groups who have the potential to become families with potential cases of stunting,” he said.
The Acting Regent also hopes that Perumdam TKR will continue to expand services for low-income communities in other areas.
So that with safe sanitation, extreme poverty in Tangerang Regency will slowly be resolved, because the level of public health has improved.
“Of course, for low-income people, Perumdam TKR is providing a special promotion.
Namely a 50 percent reduction in fees for new direct connections, we will even take special consideration for poor people, it can be free,” he said.
The presence of piped water services in the area was welcomed enthusiastically by residents, because now they no longer have difficulty with clean water.
“Thank you, Mr. Regent, now we don’t bathe in salt water anymore since there was water from Perumdam Tirta Kerta Raharja,” said Saroh, 41 years old, a local resident.
The Acting Regent’s face was beaming when he saw the happiness of the residents.
“Don’t just thank me, thank Perumdam Tirta Kerta Raharja who has worked hard to provide a clean water pipe network to get here,” said the Acting Regent in a soft voice.
rais / posinter
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