Tigaraksa, posinternasional.com
Acting Regent of Tangerang Andi Ony officially opened the 55th Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) at the Tangerang Regency Level, Wednesday (15/01).
This event was held in Kronjo District which was attended by various invitees and kafilah representing 29 districts in Tangerang Regency.
Starting his speech, Pj. Andi Ony wished a Happy New Year 2025, hopefully 2025 will be a year full of happiness, success, and blessings for all Tangerang residents.
He said that MTQ is a means to glorify the greatness of Allah SWT.
“The implementation of this MTQ is a real manifestation of glorifying the greatness of Allah SWT, through the appreciation and understanding of the holy verses of the Qur’an,” said Andi Ony at the location.
He expressed his appreciation and pride in the implementation of MTQ which has become a permanent agenda every year.
According to him, the implementation of this MTQ is not only a competition but also a means of friendship and more importantly as a manifestation of love for the Qur’an as a guide to life
“The high enthusiasm and extraordinary welcome are real proof that we all love the Qur’an and make it a guide to life,” he said.
Andi Ony emphasized that the Tangerang Regency Government is committed to continuing to improve religious life that is full of tolerance, harmony, and harmony.
This is realized through various efforts, such as the construction of places of worship, the welfare of religious teachers, and various other religious programs such as Tangerang Berzikir.
The Acting Regent also explained that the 55th MTQ aims to increase the faith and piety of Muslims in Tangerang Regency through learning and experiencing the Qur’an.
The kafilah will compete in various branches, namely Tilawatil Qur’an, Tafsir Qur’an, Fahmil Qur’an, Syarhil Qur’an, and Khattil Qur’an. He reminded the participants to uphold sportsmanship and integrity in every competition.
“The implementation of this MTQ is not only about pursuing a champion, but more importantly to produce a generation of Qur’anic believers and pious to Allah SWT, and can practice Islamic teachings well in everyday life,” said the Acting Regent.
At the end of his speech, Andi Ony expressed his gratitude to the Tangerang Regency LPTQ, all sub-district-level LPTQs, and the committee who had worked hard to prepare this event.
He also appreciated Kronjo District as the host who had provided full support in organizing the 55th MTQ.
“Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, the 55th Regency-Level Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) of Tangerang Regency in 2025, I officially declare it open,” he said.
On the same occasion, the General Chairperson of LPTQ Kab. Tangerang, Maesyal Rasyid said that this activity aims to create a society of Tangerang Regency that is Religious, Smart, Healthy, and Prosperous.
With the hope of improving the quality of superior, professional, and Qur’anic human resources.
“Through this MTQ, we want to foster a spirit of love and appreciation for the Qur’an and improve the ability to read the Qur’an in all levels of society,” said Maesyal Rasyid.
The 55th MTQ was attended by 1,358 participants from 29 sub-districts throughout Tangerang Regency, who will compete in nine competition categories.
There are 14 arenas spread across Kronjo District as venues for various MTQ categories, which will last until January 19, 2025.
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