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Based on information from the witness who is a security officer in the area, the victim on Wednesday.

Bekasi –

An unidentified man reportedly threw himself into the lake in the Grand Kamala Lagoon Apartment Area, South Bekasi District, Bekasi City, West Java.

Based on information from the witness who is a security officer in the area, the victim on Wednesday (12/4) at around 22.00 WIB plunged into the lake and drowned and disappeared.

Rescue personnel from the Bekasi SAR Alert Unit were dispatched to search for victims this morning.

“We have coordinated with witnesses who saw the incident and the combined SAR elements are currently making preparations to search for victims.” said Rizky Dwianto, Coordinator of the Bekasi SAR Standby Unit.

He also said that the search today would be carried out by dividing the search area into 3 (three).

The first team will carry out a search using a rubber boat to comb the lake around the incident site, the second team will carry out a visual search by land route around the lake.

And the third team will conduct a search using a subsurface detection device, namely the Aqua Eye and the Underwater Searching Device, then dive after that.

Dozens of joint SAR personnel were deployed in the search effort on Thursday (13/4) this morning consisting of the Bekasi SAR Alert Unit.

Bekasi Metro Police, Bekasi City BPBD, Bekasi City Satpol PP. ESLAN, Core ORARI Bekasi City, HIRPALA, Karang Taruna RW 003 Pekayon, Redkar Bekasi City, Panakawan, and SAR MTA.


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